We already have the experience in the latest in building technology…






Key benefits
  • You can build better, more comfortable and energy efficient homes faster.
  • An ICF-built home is the nearest thing to passive.
  • It’s less labour intensive.

ICF can be used to construct any kind of building, including residential developments, self-build homes and extensions, basement and earth-sheltered development, commercial units and industrial buildings.
What Is ICF?

Insulated Concrete Form-work (ICF) is an increasingly popular method of building construction using lightweight and hollow insulation forms that fit together and are then filled with concrete. Once set, the concrete becomes a high-strength structure and the form-work remains in place as thermal insulation.

Why use ICF?

A building constructed using the ICF system will achieve far higher thermal, sound and fire performance standards than traditional construction methods such as block or timber frame, and at a much lower cost for comparable performance than any other building system available today. A house built with ICF will easily meet the building regulation’s requirements for air-tightness, junction thermal bridging minimization and U-Value needed for an A3-rated home as standard.