
Raft Construction

… eliminate thermal bridging …


Raft Construction

Key Benefits
  • U-values to meet passive house standards.
  • Fully engineered to meet the ground conditions of any site.
  • Suitable for use in conjunction with ICF, steel frame, traditional block and timber frame houses.
  • Effective at conserving energy by drastically reducing heat loss through the floor and cold bridging through the rising walls.
  • Over 3 times more heat retention & less energy usage compared to a traditional screed layer in a typical foundation.
What is an insulated Raft?

Insulated foundation system virtually eliminates thermal bridging by wrapping the entire foundation in a continuous layer of EPS.
The system works much like a traditional raft foundation. The EPS element is specifically designed and cut to suit the building type for insulation. The foundation’s exceptional comprehensive strength makes the product suitable for both domestic and commercial applications.